Tuesday, 17 January 2012

January 2012 - a whole new year

January 2012! Unbelievable ... 

A very 'Happy New Year' to everybody, and I hope the holidays were awesome, perfect and perfectly awesome. 
Here we are in 2012, and so far everything seems to be moving in the right direction. 

In terms of music, 2011 was probably my busiest year so far. 
As well as a couple of short films, I completed two new feature film scores in the first half of the year: 
Alex Chandon's supercharged horror opus 'INBRED' - and a traditional thriller called 'UNWELCOME'.

In the second half of 2011 - it was a pleasure to play some fantastic festivals in Belgium, Germany, Lithuania and Sweden, and also two European tours.

In 2012, I'm extremely pleased to be playing guitar for Tim Ripper Owens! 
Undoubtedly one of the best and busiest vocalists in the United States - and frontman of such incredible bands as Judas Priest, Iced Earth, Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force. 

I'm working on the set for Tim at the moment, and I have also put pen to paper on a new album of original material, which should be finished and ready to go in the coming months. 
Also currently getting some parts together for another full FILM4 FrightFest score in August. 
Everything is looking good! 

Saturday, 14 January 2012

November 2011

INBRED continues to do very well at screenings and various festivals across the globe at the moment which is great news.
There have been some incredible reviews and reports about the film over the last five months, which seems to be knocking them dead every time.
I've been putting together a detailed blog about the scoring process on INBRED, which is available here soon.

The website is looking spick and span after a major redesign and overhaul by my lovely and talented friend, Nola.
She's been working very hard to get everything looking amazing, and I think she's done a wonderful job. Thanks a million Nola, you're the best!

I'm currently getting ready for a short UK / Belgium tour (guitar) and meanwhile I'm plotting out a new album which is scheduled for completion early next year.
It's hopefully going to be very different, but more on that as it evolves over the coming weeks.

I'll be working on video and audio demos for the album very soon, which should be available here.