Monday, 7 January 2013

Scoring Lee Hardcastle's An Alien Claymation

As mentioned in the last blog - I had previously worked with Lee Hardcastle on his earlier film, Chainsaw Babe 3D, so I was pleased when he got in touch, and asked me to score his newest  sci-fi / horror opus, 'An Alien Claymation' - which featured animated extra-terrestrial horrors, the likes of which you've never seen!

Lee didn't want the soundtrack to be too threatening this time, so instead I put together something with more of an old-fashioned 8 bit game sound to the music, instead of modern layers of sound design.

An Alien Claymation was a real blast to work on, and this time the score had a much more 80's computer game vibe to it, along with some crazy arpeggiation parts a la Galaxians & various other arcade game machines.

The music / audio was often as over-the-top and bizarre as the hyper-real games themselves, and filled with electronic bleeps, blasts, quirky sounds and sometimes fantastic and intricate little pieces of music to accompany the hypnotic game-play - and fill your head full of maddening sounds.

For the percussions, I filtered down the most basic kick and snare drum sounds I could find, and also emulated rapid game-play sounds from Asteroids and Arkanoid in place of any other percussive sounds.

The film moves very quickly - s
o instead of one long sound design - I put together entirely separate, very short pieces for each scene; each with it's own specific mood (suspense, pursuit, attack, carnage etc) which pushes everything along from scene to scene, and hopefully moves everything along at a deadly pace.

Loads of fun!

See 'An Alien Claymation' for yourself here:

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